A meeting was held in Dublin on Tuesday, at which arrangements were made to invite Mr. O'Connell to a public dinner in that city. It is stated that the requisition for the meeting was signed by many persons, Protestant and Catholic, who have hitherto kept aloof from, or been at enmity with O'Connell. The Liberator dined with Lord Mulgrave at the Castle on Wednesday ; and was to leave Dublin on Thursday for Derrynane Abbey. He is expected in the course of a few days to dine with the Reformers of Limerick, Cork, and other places in the South of Ireland. The inauguration dinner of the Lord Mayor of Dublin took place on Wednesday week. The company was not so exclusively Orange as it is generally ; the Duke of Leinster, the Archbishop of Dublin, Lord Miltown, Mr. Fitzstephen French, and other Liberals, being of the party. The Lord-Lieutenant was not there.
Lord Morpeth has addressed the following letter to a clergyman in Limerick, who applied to him for military aid in the collection of tithes. " Dublin Castle. 30th September.
" SIR—In reply to your letter of the 23d instant, making application for military assistance for the recovery of tithes, I am directed to acquaint you, that circumstances having only recently brought the different members of the Irish Government together, it has not been found possible to return any imme- diate answer with reference to the extremely difficult and important question which this application involves. It is now engaging their most earnest atten- tion, and the decision of his Excellency will be communicated with the least possible delay. I am, Sir, your most obedient, humble servant, Mon PET/I."
Lord Howth was thrown from his horse last Saturday, at Howl's Park races. He was severely hurt in the side, but is recovering.