Government has resolved to send an Ambassador of the first
rank to the Hague, where for some time past we have had only a Charge d'Arfiires. Sir E. G. Disbrowe, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister.
Plenipotentiary at Stockholm, is about to proceed to the Hague in a simi- lar capacity. This appointment was notified by Sir Edward Jerningham,
our Charge, d'Affaires at the Hague, to the Dutch Government, on the 30th ult. It is supposed that M. Dedel will now return to London with full rank.
The appointment of Surveyor-General of the Dutchy of Cornwall, bestowed by his Majesty, on the recent vacancy, on his son. in-law Lord de L'Isle, is a very lucrative sinecure, the emolument exceeding 2000/. per annum. The routine functions of the post are intrusted to his Lordship's deputy, Mr. Thomas Abbot ; who acts also as Secretary to the Lord Warden, the Marquis of Hertford.
The King has appointed Lady Mary Fox State Housekeeper at Windsor Castle, in the place of the Honourable Miss Townsend, deceased.
Mr. Paratt, Copying Clerk of the House of Lords, succeeds the late Mr. Walmisley as Clerk of the Journals, and the other clerks will each progressively get a step by Mr. Paratt's promotion. The ap- pointments are in the gift of Mr. Birch, who now fills the situation • of Clerk Assistant, formerly held by Mr. Courtenay, now Earl of Devon. We also understand that Mr. Rose's brother will have his place as Reading Clerk and Clerk of the Private Committees, with a • diminished salary.
The government of Fort Charles, Jamaica, held by General Lord Bloomfield, has been ordered to be discontinued after the life-tenure of that nobleman. And no successor will be appointed to the office of Governor and Vice-Admiral of Gibraltar, held by the late Earl of Chatham.
Mr. More O'Ferrall, M. P., has resigned the office of Commissioner Of the Irish Poor- Law Commission. —Globe.
The Admiralty have recommended Captain Back to his Majesty for promotion ; and be has been promoted accordingly, by an Order in Council, as he had not served the requisite time as. a Commander to enable the Board to do it in any other way. —Evening Paper.
The Plymouth Journal states, that at the dinner given by the Ply- mouth Royal Naval Club to the Earl of Minto and the Board of Ad- miralty, on Saturday, the toast of his Majesty's Ministers was drunk in solemn silence, whilst the toasts of "Lord Hill and the Army" and the ".Duke of Wellington and the Heroes of the Peninsula," were received with the most enthusiastic cheering. The journal oh. serves, " We are not aware of a similar instance where a party of British naval officers received in solemn silence the health of his Majesty's responsible advisers when one of them was present, and a few minutes after made the room reecho on hearing the health proposed
• of the bead and front of the Opposition, as the Duke of Wellington un- doubtedly is, and that, too, contrary to their printed resolution." Mr. George Henry Freeling, Assistant-Secretary of the London Post-office, has just arrived in Paris, with full powers to make arrange- ments for the transmission of newspapers free of postage. From Paris he will proceed to Brussels and the Ilague.—Parie Advertiser.