It was stated in the Times City article on Wednesday,
that the West Indian Compensation Commissioners had been exceedingly negligent in the performance of their duties ; that only three claims had been disposed of; and that complaints of their conduct were heard everywhere. The Courier of the same day, however, corrected this misstatement, which appears to have been a very gross one.
The f llowing statement (says the Courier) exhibits a true account of the claims not contested, and already adjudicated, and of the amount admitted.
Claims. Amount.
Jamaica 864 £468,225 10 0 Honduras, Antigua, St. Kite's, Grenada, &c 809 199,904 10 9
1683 £668,130 0 9 The sum paid to the Accountant-General on account of contested claims for St. Kitt's, Antigua, Grenada, and Dominica, is 626,761/. 9s. 6d. ; making a total adjudication by the Commissioners of uncontested and contested claims to the amount of 1,294,891/. 10s. 3d. It was altogether impossible for the Commissioners to commence their labours of adjudication before Monday the 21st of September last ; the returns from the Colonies required by the Act not having been sooner received. There are even now six of the Colonies which have not made satisfactory provision in terms of the Abolition Act, so as to put it in the power of the Commissioners to commence making the necessary adjudication. The other returns, as to which the C,ommisiioners have hitherto been unabll to adjudicate, are either incomplete, or have so recently been received, that there has not yet been time to give due notice to these who are legally entitled to counter-claim and object. It appears by an advertisement in the Hobart Town Courier of April last, that a number of respectable individuals were preparing to leave that place for the new settlement of Spencer's Gulf, South Australia. The ship in which they were to leave Hobart Town was to have sailed in the first week of June.