Lord Auckland sailed from Portsmouth on board the Jupiter, Cap-
tain Grey, for Calcutta, on Thursday week.
Viscount Lowther and Mr. William Holmes have departed for the Continent, to join the Marquis of Hertford ; who, after a short sojourn at Brussels, was expected to proceed to Germany, in the event of the
• cholera not subsiding in Italy.
The Earl of Cathcart is very much indisposed. Soma of the jour - nals are already giving away time noble Earl's military appointment of the Second Life Guards to Sir Hussey Vivian. This surely must be premature.
Mr. Hume and his family are at Matlock. On passing throuit Derby, on his way thither, Mr. Hume was waited upon by a deputa- tion fro n the Reformers at the King's Head, and invited to a public dinner; but he declined, on the grounds that he was anxious to remain in privacy with his family during his rural tour. Mr. Hume has been visiting Mr. Abercromby at his seat in Derbyshire.
Mr. Gisborne, M. P., and family, reached Hull on the 16th ultimo, by a steamer from Hamburg, after having been twice driven back into the Elbe in unsuccessful attempts to reach London by the William Jolliffe steamer. The illness of Mr. Gisborne's only daughter was the cause of his journey to St. Petersburg ; and she, we are happy to say, has returned with him in a convalescent state. Mr. Gisborne is residing for a short time at his house on Charnwood Forest.
The Reverend Dr. Shepherd, of Liverpool, is gone to Brougham Hall, on a visit to the Ex-Chancellor; where the Bishop of Chichester and one or two other eminent personages are at present sojourning.
The Reeordership of Rochester is vacant, by the death of Mr. Comyn of the Home Circuit.