The Opposition papers, a day or two back, sedulously copied
en ar- ticle from Wheeler's Manchester Chronicle, of the 3d instant, hest e I " Abuse of the Royal Prerogative," and garnished with much %Ha abuse and coarse insinuation against Government. The instance of alleged "disgraceful exercise of the Royal clemency" consisted in the pardon which had been extended to a convict of the name of Thomas Eastwood, whose sentence for robbery had been commuted to trans- portation for life. The circumstances under which this man was pardoned show the foundation of this and similar calumnies which iiow from the same source. All the statements and papers were first referred to the Judge who tried the prisoner, who perused again the evidence given at the trial ; and in his report to Government stated that he had doubts as to the propriety of the verdict. Some time after, the Magistrate (a Conservative) who had committed the prisoner, thought proper to complain of his Majesty's clemency at the Home Office. He was shown the report of the Judge, and could make no further objection. Thus ends "an extraordinary disclosure" on a small scale.-Globe.