10 OCTOBER 1931, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Your issue of September 26th contains a letter from Mr. Horsfall Carter under the heading of " La Securite." Were it not that the visit of the French Ministers to Berlin appears to lead to an understanding, and perhaps even to friendliness, in the future between France and Germany, I should have felt compelled to rebut your correspondent's assertions. However, things being as they are, a truly European spirit should be reluctant in the extreme to fan embers -ready to die. I will therefore refrain from making any comments on the above letter, and hope that whatever wrongs there may be on either side, all parties and nations will contribute to the burial of the hatchet, and that the fair face of Peace will be -allowed to irradiate the world.—I am, Sir, &c., AN OBSCURE FRENCHMAN.