10 OCTOBER 1931, page 3

Sir William Orpen, R.a.

We regret to record the death of the brilliant and popular painter, Sir William Orpen, R.A. He was born near Dublin in 1878, and trained at the Slade School, London. He had few......

* * * International Coal Conference High Hopes Are Placed

on the Coal Conference at which representatives of the coal owners of seven European countries met last week.. It has often been pointed out that all the European nations which......

Naval Economies In The United States • It Is Said

that the 'United - States Government is con- sidering a reduction of its NaVy Estiniates by £12,000,000, involving a decrease of 4,000 in the strength of the personnel and the......

Senator Dwight Morrow '1'lle United States Has Lost An Able

and much respected man in Senator Dwight Morrow, whose death on Monday, at the age of fifty-eight. we regret . to record. He was the son of a Virginian college president and......

* * * * Sir Thomas Lipton We Have To

record the death, at the age of eighty-one, of Sir Thomas Lipton, well known as the founder of a large provision business and as a resolute challenger for the yachting trophy......

Manchuria - No Progress Has Yet Been Made In The

negotiations between Japan and China for a settlement of the Man- churian dispute. The Japanese Government is curbing the evident desire of the army in Manchuria to act......

* * * * Spain - The Spanish Republic Risks Losing

its most experienced leader in Senor Alcala Zamora, who threatened to resign on Tuesday. As a moderate Republican who had held office under the Monarchy, he has pursued a firm......

Bank Rate 6 Per Cent., Changed From 41 Per Cent.

on September 21st, 1931. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 971 ; on Wednesday week, 941; a year ago, 10411. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 851 ; on Wednesday......