* * * International Coal Conference High hopes are placed
on the Coal Conference at which representatives of the coal owners of seven European countries met last week.. It has often been pointed out that all the European nations which produce coal are suffering because their combined output for export is in excess of the demand.. The competition between them has become suicidal, leading to low wages, unemployment and open or concealed State subsidies. It is encouraging to know that the lesson has so far been learned that the conference was able to draft proposals for international co-operation in the coal trade. The scheme will be sub- mitted to the several national bodies of coal owners, and it is much to be hoped that this first step will lead to a working agreement. All coal. owners and all. miners are suffering from the present desperate price-cutting, and the consumers do not really benefit. Great Britain naturally. stands to gain heavily by any scheme that will enable her to export coal at a profit, but her competitors will also gain.