On The Disunion In The Unionist Party We Feel Still
more strongly, not because it arises from a rigid insistence on Protectionist principles in which we have no faith, but because the keen Protectionists are those who have . more......
News Of The Week
The General Election H IS MAJESTY has dissolved the present Parliament and a General Election will be held on the 27th of this month. For a time, therefore, attention here will......
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Subscription to the SPECTATOR CO8i8 Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as-a Newspaper. The Postage on this......
That Is A Clear Issue. We Only Wish That It
could be kept clear. The Cabinet, however, and the party leaders and managers have obscured it on the side of the Government. To tell of the intrigues and manoeuvres by which......
The Question Before The Electors Will Be Whether They Wish
for a National Government which will restore Great Britain to its former place as a country whose financial and commercial integrity are unquestioned at home and abroad. On this......
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