Sir William Orpen, R.A.
We regret to record the death of the brilliant and popular painter, Sir William Orpen, R.A. He was born near Dublin in 1878, and trained at the Slade School, London. He had few rivals in our day as a pDrtrait painter. - He was usually successful in obtaining a good likeness, and his work always had style and charm. He gave his imagination fuller scope in many subject pictures, in his early days and since the War. During the cam- paign in France he was often at the front, and his re- miniscences of these years, illustrated with his own vivid sketches, made a • volume that is not easily forgotten. Sir William was well known in artistic and sporting circles on both sides of the Channel, and his enthusiasm for lawn tennis was almost. as keen as his devotion to art. He talked as well as he painted, and -the affection which he inspired in all who knew him was deep and sincere.
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