Senator Dwight Morrow '1'lle United States has lost an able
and much respected man in Senator Dwight Morrow, whose death on Monday, at the age of fifty-eight. we regret . to record. He was the son of a Virginian college president and long acted as legal adviser to Messrs. J. P. Morgan of New York. President Coolidge, who trusted him implicitly, sent Morrow as American Minister to Mexico. There he restored friendly relations between the United States and Mexico, and also helped to assuage the old feud between Church and State. At the Naval Disarmament Confer- ence in London last year -Morrow rendered invaluable service in bringing about an agreement between Great Britain, the United States and Japan. Last winter he was elected Republican Senator for New Jersey, and it was predicted that he would be the next Republican candidate for the Presidency. He is remembered in England for his work on the Allied Maritime Transport Council. His daughter married Colonel Lindbergh, the famous airman, who is now in China and, with his wife, narrowly escapgd with his life the other day when his machine crashed.