Reports of the cholera, both at home and abroad, still
reach us. It was stated yesterday in the daily papers, that more than twenty cases of Asiatic cholera had occurred at Newcastle, all terminating fatally : there is some reason, however, to believe that this news is premature. It would appear that four German emigrants have actually died of the disease at Liverpool ; but these cases are accounted for by the overcrowded state of the lodgmghouses in the lowest parts of the town. The cholerais represented as increasing in Southern Russia, but no exact data are given. -It makes no progress at Berlin, the last return giving only six deaths. But North- wards it seems more fatal. At Christiania, from the 25th July to the 31st August, 250 deaths had occurred out of 393 cases; and at Gottenburg, the deaths at the end of August were 84 out of 110. At Copenhagen, the latest return gave the deaths at nine only ; showing that the fury of the Malady is exhausted there.