Rtittr Ta F4t Tititar.
MR. URQUHA.RT'S STATEMENTS. Ark-Bury, near Alresford,20th _August 1853. 5m—You have been so faithfully expounding English duties and English interestdin respect to the Russian......
Religion Among The Chinese Rebels.
THS TRIMEIIIICAL CLASSIC." A religious Pamphlet, quoted by Mr. Oxenford in his Translation of the History of the Insurrection in China. The great God Made heaven and earth; Both......
The Aztec Children.
No. 1 Adam Street, Adelphi, 5th September 1853. fin—In examining these curious specimens of blighted humanity, I find them to resemble in their facial expression the general......
Decimal Coinage.
, _ ,Leeds, 6th September 1853. Sin—In your remarks on this subject, page 856 of last Saturday's Spec- tator, I notice some observations on a suggestion of Mr. William Entwisle,......
Pearsisze Theatric8.ls.
Le Nabob, the new comic opera by MM. Scribe and St. Georges, with-, music by Halevy, has proved successful, chiefly, it seems, on mita:rant of the ingenuity of its plot The "......