10 SEPTEMBER 1853, page 18
Charles A.iichester...
Tins fiction belongs to the class of what are called art-novels, its form being that of a musician's autobiography. The hero of the story, however, is less Charles Auchester the......
Boyer's Panthropreon. * A Wonix Of Eaters Is No Longer To
pine in want of the history and science of its most universal and necessary, not to say its noblest faculty. "Let me not burst in ignorance" has long been the inarticulate cry......
Publications Received.
Books. Xirumbovov Tplarouirn lv-ropia TIT EAAnemns Rwaearravems, Tops A. Theism, Atheism, and the Popular Theology : Sermons. By Theodore Parker, Author of "A Discourse of......