The Portfolio. April. (Seeleys.)—The chief illustration of this month's number is one of unusual excellence, —an etching by M. Brunet-Debaines, after Cuyp. The original is a little oil-painting on panel, forming part of the Peel Collection recently added to the National Gallery. The picture, which, by the way, was originally picked up at an old-clothes' shop in Holland for a few pence, is a sin- gularly fine example of the artist's colouring and way of rendering atmospheric effects. The subject is a ruined castle standing in the middle of a lake. The etcher has done it full justice, working out every part with scrupulous care and the skill of a master of the art. "The Child Miranda," a very sweet face, etched by Mr. W. Wise, after a drawing by Mr. F. W. Barton, though of a subject which naturally gives less occasion for the display of technical skill, will sustain the reputation of our own as compared with Continental artists. The literary element of the magazine is well represented by an able article on "Gavarni," by Mr. G.A. Simms. Two illustrations from the interior of Winchilsea Church and two of the editor's "Sylvan Year" complete a number which may be described as one of uncommon merit.