The Agricultural Lock-out.
[TO THE ,EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. ") SIR,—In to-day's Spectator you say, " In declaring that they will not take Unionists, the farmers are legally in their right." But morally......
The Busy Bee.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] am diurnally compelled to read in silent indignation Radical and Revolutionary sentiments from which I vehemently dissent. When it comes,......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator."]
SIR,—Shall I be permitted to enter a brief protest against the- sentence passed on the " Little Busy Bee" in your last number?' Bold as it may seem, and almost impertinent, on......
The Indian Relief Fund.
[TO TEl EDITOR OF THZ "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—It seems to me that it would be very undesirable to attempt the formation of a second fund for the relief of the distress in Bengal. All......