The Annual Co-operative Congress Commenced This Year At...
Monday, with a remarkable speech from the chair- man, Mr. T. Brassey. After stating that the number of co-opera- tive societies in England and Wales was 746, with 300,587......
The Times Publishes A Remarkable Letter From Rangoon,...
one who must have -access to Acid information. He announces that the French in Cochin-China are engaged in the conquest of Tonquin, a dependency of Anam, and have already,. in......
The Old Birmingham Currency Doctrine, Under The Name Of...
seems to have got strong possession of the American mind. Both Houses of Congress recently passed a resolution authorising an increase in the issue of greenbacks to 400,000,000.......
Sir George Campbell Has Sailed For England, Under...
his physicians, and Sir R. Temple has taken charge of the Government of Bengal. Sir George Campbell has proved an able, though over-brusque administrator, whose great merit has......
Captain Glover Has Been Entertained At A Banquet At Liver-
pool, and has made a speech denying absolutely the report that any want of cordiality existed between himself and Sir Garnet Wolseley. Their official intercommunication was......
The Anti-liquor Crusade In The United States Has Received A
very severe blow in Massachusetts. It appears that the Customs Laws, which are passed of course by Con- gress, the Federation alone having control over sea-borne imports,......
Mr. Roebuck Is More Delighted With Himself Than Ever, If
it is possible to find a comparative degree for a state of mind which appears to be always one of political ecstasy over his own virtues and achievements. In his speech at......
The Famine News Of The Week Indicates Little Real Change
in the position. There is a report of 500 deaths in Hattee, a subdivi- sion of Tirhoot previously stated to be in great danger ; but relief has been afforded, and the Viceroy......