11 APRIL 1914, Page 16


..firsresson."1 Sm,—All those who love the glorious coast walks of Cornwall must thank you for your most interesting article in last week's Rpedator, and especially for your appreciation and kindly help towards the valuable movement, initiated by the Penzance Chamber of Commerce, for preserving these paths for the public use. As one who knows the Lizard district well, may I say how imperative it is that public opinion should be aroused and immediate steps taken by the various local Parish Councils to keep the old Coastguard path in reasonable condi- tion and to prevent its being stopped by local owners P The lovely "Devil's Flying Pan" in this village was quite inacces- sible owing to the overgrowth of the path and its dangerous condition, but recently a path has been cut and railings erected at the dangerous point, and now the many visitors are able to enjoy its beauties. Surely with a little co-operation the same could be done all along the coast. You will be glad to know the Rnan Minor and Grade Councils are trying to find some way to assist in this important movement. —I am, Sir, Ste., A. H. TOZER,

White Feather Bungalow, Cadgtoilh, Cornwall.