Ulster And The Maine Analogy. [to Sikh Editor Or Thii
"Bracrazos.") Sin,—The Senator for an important New England Slate writes me from Washington (March 25th) :— " Naturally, being an American, accustomed to the State system, I......
[to 71111 Editor Of Sro
SIR,—In a note appended to Mr. Bernard Holland's letter on " The Will of the Nation" in your issue of April 4th you say: "We are Unionists, but if the country by a direct vote......
Rro Rine Eorroa Of Th2 ..spectat02.'9
Srn,—I have been grateful to read and endorse your wise and moderate counsels during the whole of this Home Rule crisis. But what you wrote on p. 561 last week gives me pause.......
The Army And Ulster.
[To ens EOMoa or rex “Breorrron."] Sns.,—Are we not too apologetic about the Army ? True, no command was disobeyed, but those fifty-seven resignations saved us from civil war.......