11 APRIL 1914, page 15

Difficul1 Questions.

[To an Emma or suu ..8rxerssoan Srit,—May I mention three matters in which the proverbial difficulty of seeing another person's standpoint is exemplified ? Some people are......

A Democratic Army.

[To Tar Evrroa or riri "Bracmor."] SIR,—Stran ge things happen. The present crisis has furnished the Liberal Party with a new rallying my, "Let us democratize the Army!" It is a......

[to Thh Editor Or Trh . Eihotator:1 Sts,—it Is Stated That

the Welsh Church Bill will come on for second reading in the House of Commons, for the third and last time, on Tuesday, April 28th, and that it is under- stood that the Unionist......

The Welsh Church Bill.

(To THE EDITOR Or THE .. Eraorrros...] SIR,—We have it on Mr. Asquith's authority that the provision that a period of two years must elapse before a Bill can become law under......

The Arnold Case.

[To yrs EDITOR or TRH .. ErHoTATOR."] Sta,—Your readers will see in Wednesday's Times the Privy Council judgment, which is what is called in the East the "last guess" of English......

The Referendum And Mr. Asquith's Proposals.

[To raz Ernes or THE “Seacxxxos."] Silk—Mr. Asquith, speaking on the question of referring the Home Rule Bill to the people, used as an argument against doing so "How could the......