[To ran Zones or an "
Sta,—You rarely trip. But have you not done so gloriously in last week's number P You quote I speak not of pity, I speak not of fear; They neither must know who would serve the Vizier."
I think you will find that you should have written
"I talk not of mercy. I talk not of fear ;
He neither must know who would serve the Vizier."
The lines refer neither to Janissaries nor to Mamelnkes, but to Albanians. The Albanian stanzas are not the most brilliant part of " Childe Harold's Pilgrimage "; you do Byron no harm when you attribute them to Moore.—I am,
[We can only plead that the sense and the metre were pre- served, even if the author was wrongly given. We apologize, but are impenitent. Our memory betrayed us doubly, but the quotation was certainly not irrelevant—the only unfor- givable sin in him who quotes.—ED. Spectator.]