On Friday week the first meeting of the Provisional General
Council of those who have signed the British Covenant was held at Caxton Hall. Lord Milner said that signatures to the Covenant were pouring in at the rate of thirty thousand a day. It was decided to call the League the "League of British Covenanters." An Executive Committee was elected. Lord Roberts's election as President was received with enor- mous enthusiasm. Sir Edward Carson said that two and a half years ago he had told his people in Ulster that in the last resort they must rely upon themselves. Now they relied not only on themselves, but on all that was best in the British nation. A man had written to ask him what he was expected to do and what sacrifices be was expected to make after signing the Covenant. Sir Edward Carson answered in one line : "Every man will act up to his Covenant in accord- ance with his conscience and his courage."