A Stevenson Bibliography. By J. Herbert Slater. ((P. Bell and
Sons. 28. 6d. net.)—This bibliography is arranged in alpha- betical order, and gives the current auction price of each item. The moat valuable first editions are those of An Inland Voyage, Travels with a Donkey, and The New Arabian Nights, at about £10 each. But these prices are far surpassed by the reprint (for copyright purposes) of the first ten chapters of Kidnapped, which has been sold for 2.30: inch are the tastes of collectors We do hot understand why Mr. Slater questions the authen- ticity of "Some College Memories," the article contributed by Stevenson to The New Amphion, in view of the fact that Stevenson himself reprinted it in Memories and Portraits (1887). Perhaps bibliographers do not always read the books which they catalogue.