The South American Tour. By Annie S. Peck. (Hodder and
Stoughton. 12s. net.)—Miss Peck, who has travelled and climbed in out-of-the-way parts of South America, here describes the globe-trotter's tour of the continent, starting from Panama down the West coast, crossing from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires by the Transandine Railway, and returning by Rio and Bahia. Such a trip can be done with comfort in four months, and will coat, she says, front £200 to £300; we should ourselves regard the latter figure as a minimura, especially if the wonderful Iguassti Falls are to be included. Miss Peck's book will assist the tourist in search of a holiday among interesting people and marvellous scenery.—Eettador. By C. Reginald Enock. (T. Fisher Unwin. 10a. 68. net) —The author of the works on Peru and Mexico in the excel- lent "South American Series" now gives us a comprehensive account of the less-known. Republic of Ecuador, on which there has hitherto been no adequate English book. He knows the country well, and thinks that it may become prosperous and progressive whenever "a better spirit takes hold of the governing classes."