11 AUGUST 1917, Page 17
Letters about Shelley. Edited by R. S. Garnett. (Hodder end
Stoughton. 10s. Od. net.)—The late Edward Bowden and Richard Garnett, and Mr. W. M. Rossetti, who is still with us, interchanged
,e correspondence about Shelley, especially in connexion with Dowden'e Life of the poet. Those letters, dated from 1869 to 1900, are hero printed. They contain some interesting matter in regard to Shelley, as well as speculations on the meaning of Shakespeare's " Sonnets " and other literary problems. They serve also to reveal the genial nature of the three literary brethren. Many of Dowden's letters have been printed, but it is pleasant to have this new selection from his delightful pen.