A Hint To The Chancellor Of The Exchequer. Ito Rue
Bistros or rat " errererea."t 5,74 — Every person, not being an American citizen, who lands in the United States of America has to pay as "Alien Head Tax," the sum of eight......
(to The E Dmz Or The " Spectator:1 Sin,—with Reference
to " Wanderer's" contribution on "A Cycle of Summers " that appeared in your issue of the 4th inst., I beg to my that I have got the records of British weather for the last......
A Cycle Of Summers.
(To roe EDITOR or THE " Seecraroa."1 SIN,—Your correspondent " Wanderer " does not give the locality from which his observations were made, which greatly restricts their value,......
The Excess Profits Tax.
fTo SUE EDITOR Or TEE SPECTATOR..] Bra,—Mr. C. H. St. J. Hornby (see Spectator, August 4th) can have no adequate experience of the risks that have to be run by those who finance......
[to The Editor Ot The Spectator."j
Sin,—The correspondents in your issue of August 4th have perhaps not quite appreciated " Zero's" point. His trouble, I take it. is not so much the smallness of the profit......
1 Can Assure You That The General Opinion In This
city, as far as I have means of judging, coincides with your views as to the return of Mr. Winston Churchill to office. The news of his ap- pointment was received here, in many......