The Author Of "the Fairchild Family."
(To ran EDITOR or THO SPIGTATOS."1 Sie,—In a recent review in your paper of The Devout Lady, by Mrs. Skrine, the writer says, with reference to the chapter upon Mary Martha......
• A Private's Views.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Stn,—I notice in the Spectator's columns that the Wesleyans are scheming to utilize the gifts of our wounded soldiers and sailors in the......
King George's Fund For Sailors. [to The Parma Or Ran
"Sreersroa."1 Sin,—On July 5th the Lord Mayor convened a meeting at the Mansion House to inaugurate the "King George's Fund for Sailors," when he was supported by Sir Edward......
BACK TO. LONDON: A POEM OF LEAVE. I nave not wept when I have seen My stricken comrades die; I lave not wept when we hove made The place where they should lie; My heart seemed......
Ladies First At The Dinndr-table. [to The Editor Or The
" SPECTATOR:1 Ste,—In Fielding's Essay on Conversation we read :— " When dinner is on the table and the ladies have taken their places, the gentlemen are to be introduced into......
Notice.-1vhen" Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are toothed " COM- municalul," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode......
From A V.a.d. Hospital."
Miss MART-ADAIE MACDOKALD'S three poems ("In the Ward," "Epiphany Vision," and " Last Year's Camp") have been reprinted from the pages of the Spectator in pamphlet form under......