Herr Michaelis has formed his new Miniatdes for the' German -
Empire and for Prussia. They consist, as before, of officials, with Herr Spahn, the Clerical leader, and another Deputy as Ministers of Justice, and one tame Serialist, Herr Mailer, as assistant to the Food Controller. The Serialist and Radical Press professes le -be greatly disappointed because Herr Michaelis has not formed a Par- liamentary Ministry, but no reasonable person ever expected that he would do so. The suggestion was a more pretence, like the Reichetag's " peace " resolution. Hem KUMmann, who- was employed before the war at the Embliesy in London, mainly for secret service and insidious propaganda, has become Foreign Secretary to the Chancellor, and, oddly enough, is being attaeked by the Jueker Press for his supposed friendliness to England.