Lord Rhondda, the Food Controller, published on Monday details of
his new scheme for the better distribution of sugar. His main objects are to conserve supplies, to distribute them equally between rich and poor, and to keep prices down. lie will work through local Food Control Committees, and will soon extend the scheme to bread and meat. In regard to sugar, all retailers must be regis- tered with the local Committee from October 1st. Every house- holder will receive a sugar registration card, part of which will be given to a retailer, who must in future give that customer the pre- ference. Application for these sugar cards must be made by October 6th, on forms which will be distributed before September 30th. Lord Rhondda will not have his scheme in full work before the end of December, but from the Now Year the sugar supply will be regulated so that every registered customer will receive the authorized weekly allowance. Special arrangement; will be made for caterers, institutions, and manufacturers. There is reason to hope that, unlike the German Food Controller, Lord Rhondda will actually be able to supply the authorized rations in full.