11 DECEMBER 1915, Page 14


interest to you to know that the Bishop of Durham in a letter written to the clergy of his diocese, com- mending the "Message to the People of England and Wales" issued by the United Temperance Council of the Christian Churches, makes the following allusion to the attitude taken up by the Spectator :- "I am deeply anxious to respect every conscience. But personally I am intensely convinced that the drinking habits and traditions of the nation form as much as ever a huge and formidable evil. It is no mere question of the prejudices of a minority of' teetotal fanatics.' So responsible and able a weekly as the Spedator has lately spoken out with energy in several powerful articles about the shame and scandal of this gigantic national waste both of money and of nine- hood. Prance and still more Russia have set a grand example of courageous action against the drink habit. Our King has spoken to all by his personal action."

This letter, and also the "Message," were to be read in all the churches in the diocese on Advent Sunday.—I am, Sir, &e., The Rectory, Gateehead.