Mr. Agg-garclner Finally Asks, Us Two Elaborately...
first is whether we think a " drastic interference with the rights of individuals to select for themselves the food and drink they prefer will contribute to the maintenance of......
According To The Daily Graphic Of Wednesday, Which...
striking interview with the London editor of the Telegraaf, the paper was four times prosecuted for publishing the ever-memor- able cartoons of Mr. Raemaekers, noticed by us in......
Personally, We Think That The Morning Post Is Too Suspicious
In its criticism of the Coalition Government and too bitter in its strictures. At the some time, considering the tremendous character of the issues involved, no one, not even......
We Publish Elsewhere A Very Able And Ingenious Letter From
Mr. Agg-Gardner, MP. for Cheltenham, who may be described as one of the leading representatives of ." the trade , " in the House of Commons. In that letter he asks us several......
We Cannot Tell Mr. Agg-gardner What Amount Of Money Will
be spent in the beverages that will take the place of intoxicants, but it is safe to assume that it will not be anything like the D10,000,000 which now goes out of the pockets......
Finally, Mr. Agg-gardner Tries To " Down " Us By
raising the bogy of "the cost of compensating various trades, agricultural, mechanical, manual, &c., dependent upon the manufacture of intoxicants, to say nothing of the......
As A Second Question Mr. Agg-gardner Asks If We "consider
such a programme to be quite consistent with the principles of practical statesmanship or of common fairness." We are delighted to have the opportunity of saying that we do,......
Again, We Would Pay No Compensation To The Licence Holders.
In the first place, the licences granted are only for a year and can be revoked. Next, the holders of them are not in reality independent persons, but, as regards the vast......
Speaking Generally, Advocates Of "the Trade" Like Mr....
prove too much. If his financial argument were a sound one, then such a thing as national saving could never exist in any circumstances. All his arguments would apply with equal......
The Morning Post Of Thursday Deals Very Strongly In A
leading article with a matter discussed by us in our first article. It demands that the nature of the trade agreement with the Danish merchants shall be disclosed. The Morning......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 P.c. Aug.
8th, 1914.......