The Morning Post of Thursday deals very strongly in a
leading article with a matter discussed by us in our first article. It demands that the nature of the trade agreement with the Danish merchants shall be disclosed. The Morning Post evidently believes that under the agreement with the Danish merchants food, which is so anxiously desired by the Germans, will be smuggled in through Denmark, and so a breach will be made in our blockade. To enforce this argument the Morning Post publishes a letter from a Danish correspondent which declares that the British Government "have been fooled." The Morning Post also quotes and lays great emphasis on the pledge given by Mr. Asquith on the first of March last : " Her [Germany's) opponents are therefore driven to frame retaliatory measures— (laud cheers)—in order, in their turn, to prevent commodities of any kind—(loud eheers)—from reaching or leaving the German Empire. (Renewed cheers)." They very properly ask that this pledge shall be acted up to.