Grocers' Licences.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPEOTATOR.1 Snt,—More than one of your correspondents has denounced grocers' licences, and no doubt they give opportunity for much drinking among women.......
"down Glasses I" [to The Editop. Of The " Spectator."]
you let me say that your campaign against our Mat national extravagance, and in favour of that one great sacrifice which would enable us to concentrate all our energies on......
The King Leads—who Follows?
[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR."j ,&a,—Those of us who, at Lord Roberts's instigation, have for many years endeavoured to promote temperance in the Army will welcome your......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
SI11,—In the article "Down Glasses I " in your issue of the 27th ult, you advise the public man and the politician how to support your plea for the temporary discontinuance of......
Women Who Drink Their Separation Allowance.
[To THE EDITOR OF VIZ " SPECTATOR." Snt,—One of your correspondents in the Spectator for Novem- ber 27th regretted that there seems no way of penalizing such cases. The same......
Americans Are Ashamed Already.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR."] Sne,—Your comments on the latest Note from the State Department to the Foreign Office, the larger portion of which has been sent to this......
[to =a Editor Of Tag " Spectator...1
Sue—There are one or two questions that teetotalers might answer before advocating more extreme measures as regards the use of alcohol. During the past five hundred years,......