Last Saturday Mr. Henry Ford's "Ship of Fools" left New
York on its peace mission in appropriate circumstances. The Times correspondent tells us that the band played "I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier " ; Mr. Bryan called out "God bless you I" ; a cinema actor dived into the icy waters of the Hudson shouting, Take me with you I " ; and a German bellowed "Gott strafe Henry Ford I" though what the German was doing in this galley is not explained—he certainly failed to understand that the Germans would be very lucky to get peace just now. The party on board, who are resolved to coax the soldiers "cut of the trenches by Christmas," seem to number one hundred and forty persons. But probably one ought not to reckon the fifty-four reporters, included in this number, as peace protagonists. The personal detachment of reporters was defined for over by the famous ejaculation of the offended reporter who was asked at a revivalistic meeting whether he was saved—" I'm a reporter I"