On Wednesday week Baron Sonnino in an admirably con- ceived
and eloquent speech announced in the Italian Chamber that Italy had signed the agreement, already signed by Britain, France, Russia, and Japan, not to make a separate peace. He also promised that Italy would render all the help she eould to the Serbians. We hope that before long the Italian Govern- ment may find it advisable to declare war against Germany. No doubt some reasons which seemed particularly valid have so far restrained the Government from taking a step which the convenience of all the Allies suggests as desirable. But we venture to hope that Italy's decision will change with changing circumstances. If it be said that it is for Germany to declare war on Italy before Italy accepts this new burden, the answer is surely that if Germany does not declare war it is only because it is not to her interest to do so. Germany's silence is proof that a declaration of war by Italy is just what she does not want.