Merseyside—A Scientific Survey. Edited by Wilfred Smith, M.A., F. J.
Monkhouse, M.A. and H. R. Wilkinson, M.A. (Pub- lished for the British Association by the University Press of Liverpool. 21s.) THE most permanent memorial of a visit by the British Association is generally the scientific survey of the district which is handed 'to the members on their arrival. The present book is an excellent specimen of its class. It consists of a collection of twenty-nine essays divided into three groups, the Land and the Sea, Merseyside, and the Merseyside district. All but two are written by members of the University staff, and the standard of scholarship is high. Though the scientific point of view is naturally to the fore, science is interpreted widely and many of the essays deal with the social and economic sciences. Others are concerned with archaeology, history, and language, and to the general reader these are among the most interesting. It is a pity that Liverpool's distinguished architectural history is not covered. The book is excellently produced by the Liverpool University Press.
J. M. W.