Mauvais Quart D'heure ?
" Today it takes," the Dean of Worcester College had said in an unguarded moment, " three men to do what one man used to do-"; and he cited as an example of something beyond the......
For Verbiage-fanciers
" Say what you will," remarked the cynic, " against the Bermuda communique; but from the fact that the word inebranlable' occurs nowhere in the French version of it I deduce......
A Spectator's Notebook
I AM all for altruism, a virtue (or is it only a quality ?) of increasing rarity. But I cannot help wondering whether the members of the Everest Expedition are not being re-......
Though it savours of ideological cant, the dignity of labour is something (unlike parity of esteem) in which I am prepared to believe. But it is a nebulous and delicately poised......
A Private Affair
Mr. Pollen—unlike Henry Kingsley, who I rather think won the Diamond Sculls—is a dry-bob. He was allowed a racing start in his skiff; but, in addition to a strongish headwind,......
Striking Force
The easiest way to increase the exceptional difficulties con-. fronting the Territorial Army during 1954—to some of which a sensible speech by its Director, Major-General......
Britain's Colonial Policies
D EPENDENCIES of Britain that were quiet a year or two ago are now loud with discontent. A con- stitution has been suspended; a native ruler has been exiled; a tribal society......