Those Choughs Sir,—though I Make No Claim To Be Either
a Shakespearian scholar or an ornithologist, may I suggest what seems to me to be a more convincing interpretation than that in Strix's delightful article ? Strix is " a......
Priests, Politics, And The Pope Sir,-1 Must Thank Mr. Gedge
for his explana- tion. " The Roman hierachy," he tells us, Means " the French Bishops." And he settles the black cap yet more firmly on his head as he sentences them for......
Sir, — M R . Gedge Raises So Many Interesting Points That...
not answer them adequately without occupying more space than is available. If you could arrange for an article by some authority on the subject to be printed in the near future,......
By Wandle Banks Sir, -- 1i Was Interesting To Read John...
Hennessy's article on Wandsworth, one of the many former towns and villages Which have been swallowed by London but which still retain something of their own character and......
Wintering Cattle
Winter puts a thicker coat on a horse, and any animals that stand out in the colder weather, such as the bullocks I looked at the other day, become as shaggy as buffaloes by the......
Rotting Apples Most People Hasten To Examine Stored...
a heavy frost. We have had no frost to speak of yet, but the mild, humid atmosphere has brought my thoughts to the stored apples more than Once and only just in time at that. It......
Country Life
ANYONE who contemplates keeping chickens in our part of the world must take account of the fox, and ours is a hill fox, a creature that travels along ledges, runs under over-......
Field Glasses
To watch birds or study wild life at all one needs a pair of good field-glasses. Mine are old and rather battged but they are good. They belonged to a sea captain who has gone......