On the 26th January, at Valetta, Malta, the Wife of Richard Cornwall Legh, Esq., Assistant-Secretary to Government, of a daughter. On the 31st, at Ickleford House, near Ilitchio, the Hon. Mrs. Frederick Dudley Ryder, of a daughter.
On the 2d February, at the house of Lady Harriet Mitchell, Wokingham, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Mitchell, Grenadier Guards, of a son.
On the 5th, in Charles Street, Berkeley Square, the Marchioness of Ormonde, of a daughter.
On the 5th, at Berry Hill, Notts, the Lady of Sir Edward Walker, of a daughter. On the 5th, at Woolwich Common, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Hill, Royal Artillery, of a daughter.
On the 6th, in Park Street, Grosvenor Square, the Wife of George IlenrylElliott, Esq., of Biofield Park, Berks, of a son and heir.
On the 6th, in Grosvenor Street, the Viscountess Brackley-, of a son. On the 7th, in Upper Grosvenor Street, the Lady Dorothy Nevill, of a daughter. On the 7th, at Bradenham Hall, Norfolk, the Wife of William Haggard, Esq., of a son.
On the 7th,:nt Walton Hall, Bucks, the 'Wife of C. F. Moore, 'Esq., of a son. On the Sth, in Piccadilly Terrace, the Lady Margaret Leveson Gower, of a daugh- ter, stillborn.
On the 24th January, at Naples, Eliza Maria, only daughter of Frederick Chamier, Esq.. to Frederic Crewe, fourth son of the late General Crewe.
On the 4th February, at the Catholic Chapel, Torre Abbey, and afterwards at the parish 'church of Tormohun, John Stuart Coxon, Esq., third son of the late John -Stuart Coxon. Esq., of Flesky Priory, Kerry, to Millecent Maria Johnes, eldest daughter of the late Henry George Cary, Esq., of Tone Abbey, Devon. On the 9th, at St. James's, Piccadilly, Captain Alexander Nowell Sherson, Unat- tached, late Seventy-second Highlanders, to. Anna Maria, eldest daughter of Captain Tom n shend, R.N., M.P., of Haynham Hall, Norfolk, and Balls Park, Herts.
On the 24th January, at St. Tohn's Wood, Alexander Hamilton Earle, Esq., Royal y, and late of St. Katherine's Court, Somerset ; in his 58th year.
On the 30th, at Nettchatel, in Switzerland, at the residence of her mother Madame de Montniallin Meuron, Sophie, wife of his Excellency Charles J. La Trobe, Lieu- tenant-Governor of the colony of Victoria ; in her 44th year.
On the 30th, at Dover, Lieutenant-Commander H. Paget Jones, R.N., command- ing H. M.S. Violet; in his 61st year. On the 31st, at his residence, in the Close, Norwich, Robert Plumptre, Esq.; in his 90th year. On the 2d February, at Sydenham, the Rev-Charles Eaton Plater, Rector of New- church, Kent, the originator of Marlborough 1College; in his 55th year. On the 6th, at St. Leonards-on-Sea, Mary lane, seeond daughter of the late John Spedding, Esq., of Newcastle-on-Tyne; in her 17th year. On the 8th, at her residence, Fortess Terrace, Kentish Town, Ann Agnes Bond ; in her 54th year.