Mr. W. H. Deverell.
An artist from whose independent thought and keen sense of beauty we had felt warranted in anticipating results of unusual excellence, Mr. Walter Howell Deverell, died on the 2d......
Ttttruni 61rantugo.
THE Mount OF THE DANUBE IN SEPTEMBEIL.—On the morning follow- ing our departure from 'Varna, we anchored at about a mile from the mouth of the Danube. There being only six feet......
Flu Irto.
THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. stitution portraits with fancy names when portraits with the sitters' names are excluded. Mr. Buckner's No. 233 is as near an approach to the actual......
Naval Gazette. Admiralty, Feb. 3.—the Following...
2tst of January, have taken place on the reserved list, consequent on the removal of Ad- miral J. Carthew to that list, with a pension—Vice-Admiral F. Temple, on the reserved......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OFFICE, Feb. 7.-17th Light Dragoons — hi aj.-Gen. Sir J. M. Wallace to be Col. vice Maj.-Gen. T. W. Taylor, C.B. dec. 16th Regiment of Foot—Maj.-Gen. T. E. Napier. C.B. to......