F4ratrts Aut 311noir.
Guy .Mannering, although a hybrid sort of affair, produced by the con- version of admirable romance into commonplace melodrama, has been brought out at the Haymarket in such......
At The Sacred Harmonic Society's Performance Of Elijah,...
the entire part of the Prophet was sustained by Signor Belletti ; who showed that he had studied it deeply, and had now thoroughly mastered it both in a dramatic and a musical......
Mr. Sterndale Bennett Gave The First Of His Annual Concerts
of classical pianoforte music, at the Hanover Square Rooms, on Tuesday evening. Mr. Bennett was the originator of this description of concert ; but, though he has many......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. On Monday, Government Securities gave strong indications that the buoyancy so conspicuous at the - close of last. week would be further aug-......
In Courteously Referring To Our Notice Of The Case Of
two %diet recommended by Dr; Elliotson to public beneficence; Mr. Nonage of 67, Upper Thames Street, acknowledges the kind response" made by many of our readers. We heartily......
Orders Were Issued, Late On Thursday Night. For Draughts Of
men from the:Grenadier, Coldatream, and -. Scoots Fusilier Guaide, forming in the aggregate brigade of 2500, to hold themselves in readiness to embark for Constantinople on ,......
Diplomatic Statements Totally Supersede The Interest Of...
this morning. The papers laid before Parliament last night com- prise six letters,-by Count. Nesselrode, Baron Brunnow, and by Lord Clarendon to the Baron and to Sir IIamilton......
The Earl of Crsitastmarc stated that the counter-project of the Emperor of Russia was not taken to Vienna by Count Orloff, but had been pre- vionsly forwarded by the Austrian......