On Monday, Government Securities gave strong indications that the buoyancy so conspicuous at the-close of last. week would be further aug- mented; and Consols again realized-92f. The Ministerial ,explanations that evening in the House of Lords conveyed little hope of an arrangement of faeTurkielr question except by heatilitieS: the Funds opened on Tuesday about 1 per cent lower; and, after some fluctuations, Consols left off at 9la I, On Wednesday they rallied; but this was afterwards lest through some sales of Reduced Stock by the South Sea Company, to which the more importance was attached from the extent of their recent purchases. The oiler of this Company to buy the proprietors' Stock at 115 has been embraced te the amount of about 600,000/. ; with which the sales of .Government -Se- curities this week are supposed to be 'connected. Yesterdays more firmness prevailed, through -a report that the Bank of- ngland intended to lower their rate of discount; and a telegraphic statement of the dismission: of the Turkish Cabinet, and appointment of .another in favour of a, compremise with Russia . Consols then closed at 914 2,'nfter being f higher. The market has been strengthened occasionally by the increased belief that the German States will join the. other Powers against Russia ; and that the extensive naval preparations by England and France, and the apparent failure of Count Or- thff'a mission, may cause the Czar to moderate his views., The French Funds have been Rat. The rate of exchange. in Paris is likely to draw gold from this enunery; some has been sent within the last few days from the Bank of England. The French accounts on Wednesday mentioned that a loan had been arranged of 8,000,0001. with the Credit Mobilier against Tree- airy Bonds at si per cent interest, which may be exchanged -for Three per Cent Rental at 72. Doubts have since been.expressed of the loan's being concluded. The Bank of France have agreed to advance the Government 2,400,0001. At Vienna, the distrust in the money market increases. At St. Petersburg, the depreciation of the currency now in progress has an unfa- vourable influence on the exchange, and the rate of discount is 7 to 8 per cent. Today, our Funds opened better, and Consols reached 92# : some sales have since been made, and after some variations they close at elf f for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills continue in great demand ; they have advanced 58. this week, being now 17 20. Bank and India Stocks hare not altered.
In Foreign Stocks, the improvement on Saturday has not been maintained : the following have declined-Russian Five per Cents, 2; Ditto Four-and-a- half, Portuguese Four per Cents, and Sardinian, 1 ; Dutch Two-and-a-half Per Cents, I; Spanish Deferred,. and Granada Deferred, f. Venezuela has Reproved 2. Mexican has been very firm, and was done yesterday as high as 26. Letters from Mexico on Tuesday alluded to the treaty now concluded for sale of the Merlins Valley to the United States. The payment will, it is thought, enable Santa Anna to hold power for many years. The Mexican Minister at our Court has communicated with the Committee of Bondhold- !Its concerning the disposal of this money when received by the Minister of Finance in Mexico, and has corrected an error in their former supposition that only one dividend out of the three over-due would then be paid : con- cerning which, this communication states, it must have reference only to the first instalment of the indemnity, and not to the whole amount, as the Presi- dent had intimated to him " that his first care, after he has succeeded in re- ducing the national finances to some sort of order, will be directed to the payment of the dividends which are over-due, and his best energies devoted subsequently to the entire abolition of the debt." The remittances by the last packet were 49,846 dollars from Vera Cruz, and 4,500 dollars from Maze- tian : 6096 dollars 58 cents were ready for shipment in Tampico.
Railways were firm on Monday ; and higher prices were established in some instances, including York, Newcastle, and Berwick : the dividend on that Stock, it was reported, would be at the rate of 4 per cent, leaving a ba lance of 10,0001. On Tuesday a fall of 11. to 21. occurred in the principal Shares, owing to the depression in Consols; and a dulness afterwards pre- vailed up to last evening, when the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase-York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 3/. ; Norfolk, 2/. ; York and North Midland, 11. 108.; Great Northern, and Lancaster and Carlisle, 1/. ; Chester and Holyhead, and South-Eastern, 10s. Decrease-Great Western, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 11. 108.; North British, 11. ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, and Midland, 10s.; Caledonian, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 5s. The decline in Foreign Shares has been-Luxembourg, 15s.; Northern of France, 12s. 6d. ; Paris and Lyons, Paris and Strasbourg, and Rouen and Havre, 10s. ; Sambre and Meuse, and Western of France, 5s. Paris and Orleans have improved 1/. Today there is little alteration in the English Shares. Foreign are rather lower. The accounts of the London and North- Western for the half-year show a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, leaving a balance of 85,0001. for the next half year.
The English Funds are slightly better this morning : Consols are now 91f for MoneyMoney and Account. Exchequer Bills 17 20. The bullion return by the
Bank of England shows an increase of 34691. In Foreign Stocks there is no change. The Railway Market is quiet ; these are the present transactions- Aberdeen, 20; Caledonian, 53; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 654; Midland, 621 ; York and North Midland, 484 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 68 ; Luxembourg, 7.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 3J per Cents
91' 91 92 93 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents
Mexican 3 per Cents
80 2 601 11 ill 2 251 6 Long Annuities
5 Peruvian 44 per Cents 66 8
Bank Stock '
2154 16/ Ditto 3 per Cents 46 8 Exchequer Bills
17 20 Portuguese 4 per Cents 37 9 India Stock
231 5 Russian 5 per Cents 104 6 Austrian 5 per Cents
82 5 Ditto 44per Cents 89 91 Brazilian 5 per Cents • 97 9
Spanish a pan Cents
40 1 Belgian 44 per Cents
88 92 Ditto Deferred 19 Chilian 6 per Cents
99 102 Sardinian 5 per Cents 84 6 Danish 5 per Cents
99 101 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 90