Orders were issued, late on Thursday night. for draughts of
men from the:Grenadier, Coldatream, and -.Scoots Fusilier Guaide, forming in the aggregate brigade of 2500, to hold themselves in readiness to embark for Constantinople on,Thuraday or Friday next. It is stated that the Regiment of Horse Guards (Blue) will be de- spatched to the seat of war ; and -that a force of artillery- is under orders to hold itself inreadiness to embark. Waggon-loads of carefully-packed ammunition daily leave Woolwich aliens].
Great sensation was created on the Stock Exchange yesterday, by the posting of a government notice, on 'Change and at Lloyd's, inviting ten- ders for steam-ships to convey:troops to Malta, to be deliveredon the 17th ; also for seven or eight good ooppered ships to convey, cavalier, for four months or longer, tendein to be delivered on the 14th.
The Gazette of last night announces the appointmentof Mr. Philip Ed- mund Wodeliouse, sometime Superintendent at Honduras,' as Governor of British Guiana.