Tuesday, February 7.
PAserNiasines DISSOLVED.—Hodges and Dalton, Duke Street, Ade1phi, porter- merchants — Hammond and Kenwright, Liverpool. carvers—Bell and Tompkin, Sheffield, cabinet-case-makers—Thornton and Tench, Beccles, brewers—W. and J. Philp, Tavistock, smiths—Chapman and Son, Tooting, surgeons—Norton and Wade
Lombard Street, tailors—J. and II. K. Higginbotham, Stockport, importers of foreign wines—Eccles and Loud, West Bradford, Yorkshire, bobbin-makers—J. A. and 'I'. Oden, Cbiltington, Sussex, builders—Ramsbottom and Co. Rawtenstall, Lancashire, grocers—Selkirk and Rhagg, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, printers—Lake- man and Fuller, Southwark Bridge Road, window-blind-makers—HaU and Ridley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, attorniea—Browne and Co. Piecombe, Sussex, farmers— Brookes and Sons, Sheffield, merchants; as far as regards E. Brookes—Munn and Stephens, Thetford, paper-manufacturers—Mackey and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, woollen-drapers—Cope and litunmerton, Wood Street, Cheapside, riband-manufac- tiirers—Coulon and Co. St. Helen's Place, merchants—Wagstaff and Carpenter, Birmingham, jewellers—Dunn and Stoddart, Bradford, Yorkshire, joiners—Green- land and Co. Beaufort, Breconsbire, fellmongers—Johnson and Moore, Eaton, silk- throwsters—E. P. and E. B. Hinton, Bazaar, Soho Square —1Ioworth and Co. Liver- pool, silk-mercers—Prior and Hart, Hastings, plumbers—Stanford and Swain, Ash- ford, Kent, coach-makers—Steel and Fisher, Mill Wall, Poplar, ale-brewers—Sweet and Co. John Street, Minories, ship-brokers—J. and 1'. J. Fearon, New Bond Street, wine-merchants—Roth and Freeman, Old Bond Street, tailors.
BANstaurrs.—Tuomas Joasa BURTON and Co. Wigmore Street, church-furnishers, to surrender Feb. 16, March 23: solicitor, Smith ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman
Street Buildings—JAMES CROFTS, Threadneedle Street, share-broker, Feb. 16, March 23: solicitor, Wyatt, Verulam Buildings; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street—WILLIAM GRAND, Lower Tottenham, builder, Feb. 21, March 21: solicitors, Wright and Homier, London Street, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Lee, Moor- gate Street—EDWARD BALDING, Speen, Berkshire, builder, Feb. 17, March 24 : soli- citors, Rickards and Walker, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Mecey, Thatcham, Berkshire; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street— HENRY ItzsuNcrox TICKELL, Mark
Lane, brewer, Feb. 22, March 21 : solicitors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—Joni Axons HOMES, High Street, Southwark,
woollen-draper, Feb. 15, March 21 : solicitors, Lan ranee and Co. Old Jewry Cham- bers; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—GEORGE STEWART AMSINCE, Frederick Street, Hampstead Road, brewer, Feb. 14, March 21: solicitors, Piercy
and Hawks, Three Crowu Square, Southwark ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basing- hall Street—THOMAS TuirxEn, Eckington, Derbyshire, grocer, Feb. 18, March 25: solicitor, Ferrell, Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield.
DIVIDENDS.—March 1, Baron, High Holborn, oilman—Feb. 28, Woolf and Lyons, Cripplegate Buildings, umbrella-manufacturers—March 1, Cobb, Dover, grocer— March 1, Smith, Victoria Road, Kentish Town—March 3, Nott, Bristol, iron-mer- chant—March 2, Fawcett, Liverpool, merchant.
CERTIFICATES.—To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.—M arch 2, NrCrow, James Street, City Road, linen-draper—March 1, An- drew, High Street, Shadwell, baker—March 1, Webb, Leadenhall Street, silversmith —March 1, Cubbon, Liverpool, joiner.
DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDS.—hipling and Atkinson, Wood Street, warehouse- men; third div. of 3$. 3d. and 83. Pd. on new proofs, and final div. of 20s. on the
separate estate of R. Kipling, Feb. 11, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards,
Sambrook Court—Pike, Reading, tobacconist ; first div. of 3s. 6d. Feb. 11, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Jewesson, Great Win- chester Street, merchant; second div. of 101d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basing- hall Street—Rainford, Liverpool, cabinet-maker ; second div. of 8.1d. and first div. of 12s. on new proofs, Feb. 22, and any subsequent Wednesday} ; Morgan, Liverpool
—Pryde and Jones, Liverpool, sail-makers ; third div. of Aid. and first and second
div. of Is. 9d. and 6/d. Feb. 22, and any subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan, Liver- pool—Bell and Campbell, Liverpool, merchants ; first div. of 81,d. Feb. 22, and any
subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool—J. and W. Stock, Ashton in acker- field, coal-proprietors ; div. of 20s. on the separate estate of W. Stock, and a first div. of 4a. 5d. on the separate estate of J. Stock, Feb. 22, and any subsequent Wed- nesday; Morgan, Liverpool..
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.—Campbell, Campbeltown, Fort George, draper, Feb. 14 —Fawcett, Dingwall, merchant, Feb. 16.
Friday, February 10.
PAameasHirs DISSOLVED.—Hirst and King, Leeds, chemists—Guyott and Babbs jun. Brudenell Place, New North Road, builders—James and Montague, Forest of Dean, iron-manufacturers—Levin and Co. Bristol, jewellers—Harrison and Dobson, Ashton-under-Lyne, linen drapers—Wood and Nicholson, Mere, Yorkshire, earthen- ware-manufacturers—Young and Kay, St. Saviour's Churchyard, London Bridge, land-agents—March and Edinborough, Bishopsgate Street Without, wool-brokers- R. and B. Field, Grim sbury Mill, N orthamptonslfire, millers-Masterman and Co. Nicholas Lane, bankers; as far as regards J. 51asterman jun.-Sibley and Sons, Ar- nold's Place, Walworth, tassel-manufacturers—Taylor and Wood, Liverpool-- Singleton and Co. Leeds, brewers ; as far as regards J. R. Singleton—Wilsons and Co. Wbitehaven, sail-cloth-manufacturers—Price and:Efill, Benthall, Broseley, Salop, iron-founders—Parrott and Young, Clapham, mtdical-practitioners ; as far as regards E. Young,—Wrigley, Marsh, and Co. Oldham, machine-makers; as far a. re- gards R. Marsh—J. and J. S. Challoner, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, stock-brokers- Moorhouse and Son, Robin Road, Summerseat, Elton, cotton-manufacturers—A. and C. Cock, Duuater Court, Mincing Lane, wine-merchants—J. and S. Morley, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers—Whinney and Co. South Shields, provision-mer- chants—Elliott and Sneyd, Sheffield, file-manufacturers—Hopkinson and Welch, Nottingham, grocers—B. and W. Mansell, Wolverhampton, wood-turners—Steel and Co. Norwich, hardware-dealers; as tar as regards A. D. Steel—Turner and Houghton, Manchester, brewers—Whalley and Seedell, Rochdale, joiners—Taunton and Blount, Worcester,—Picken and Nicholson, Cambridge, tailors —Wale and Wheelhouse, Leicester, hosiers—C:1nston and Hogben, High Holborn, printers—D. and L. Lodge, Kirkheaton, manufacturers of faucy-waistcoatings- Butterfield and Fryer, Bradford, Yorkshire, wool-agents—Barke and Pidgeon, Man- chester, tailors'-trimmiug-dealers—W. and S. Sharp, Dudley, drapers—Cook and Richards, Leather Lane, carpenters—De la Fontaine and Andrew, Oxford Street— Galbraith and Cumming, Glasgow, merchants. BANHaerrcv ANNULLED.—JAMES SPENCER GORELY, Ewell, farmer. BANEiurrs.—GEORGE COODE, Victoria Street, Westminster, patent-irrigator-ma- nufacturer, to surrender Feb. 21, March 28: solicitors, Hill and Mathews, Bury Court, St. Mary Axe; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—WituiM Toovsv AsuFrEto, Church Street, Lambeth, lithographic-printer, Feb. 22, March 21: solici- tor, Moss, Moorgate Street: official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—JOHN Cox, Wandsworth, builder, Feb. 17. March 24 : solicitor, Wilson, Gresham Street ; offi- cial assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury—JOSEPH CARTER, Gloucester, scrivener, Feb. 27, March 27: solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol—RICHARD GEORGE DAIMOND, Newton Abbott, stationer, Feb. 21. March 14: solicitor, Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter—ROBERT HAMMOND, Ripon, builder, Feb.23, March 24: solicitors, Barr and Nelson, Leeds; Hindle, Ri- pon' official assignee, Young, Leeds—Joust Bonner Giusti:, Waterloo, Liverpool, inn-keeper, Feb. 22, March 16: solicitor, Ilinde, Liverpool ; official assipme, Tur- ner, Liverpool-JOSEPH ELLts, Ardwick, Manchester, joiner, Feb. 23, March 16: solicitor, Blair, Manchester ; official assignee, Putt, Manchester—Tnostas WORSLEY, Slacelesfield, clog-maker, Feb. 24, March 17: solicitors, Bole and Co. Al- dermanbury ; Neild, Manchester ; Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Pott, Manchester.
DIVIDENDS.—March 3, Field, Bond Court, Walbrook, packer—March 3, Unwin, Poland Street, builder—March 3, Dawson, Charles Street, Mile End New Town, engineer—March 4, Meates, Conduit Street, grocer—March 4, Linnell, Gresham Street, commission-agent—March 4, Cogar, Newgate Street, boot-dealer—March 7, Hardwick, Windsor, linen-draper—March 6, Pace senior, Liverpool, ship-owner- March 3, Breed and Eccleston, Liverpool, merchants—March 3, Harrison, Liverpool, dealer in lacks—March 3, \leredith, Tattcnhall, Cheshire, maltster—March 3, Ack- royd, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner—March 6, Whitfield and Lyth, York, builders.
CERTIFICATES.—To le granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.—March 3, Buckley, Macclesfield, miller—March 3, Roebuck, Austonley, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth-manufacturer—March 3, Greenwood, Keighley, Yorkshire, woolstapler. DECLARATIONS cw DIV/DX:MS.— M`Kay, Upper Kennington Lane, draper; first div. of 38. 3d. any Monday; Cannan, Aldermanhury—Fox, Cornhill, tailor; first div. of 3d. any Monday; Carman, Aldermanbury —Wood, Cheltenham, draper; first div. of Is. 6d. any Monday; Cannan, Aldermanbury— Fawcett, York, draper ; first div. of ls. 9d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street—Baker, New Oxford Street- ironmonger; first div. of 28. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street—M•Lach, a n, Spital Square, auctioneer ; first div. of Is. 9d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basing hall Street—Wrightson, H4li Street, Marylebone, grocer; first div. of 103. any Tues- day; Nicholson, Basinghall Street—Lathbury, Burton-on-Trent, grocer; first div. of 3*. 8d. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham—Burns, Liverpool, hosier; first div. of Pd, on Feb. 20, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool. Scowls SEQUESTRATIONS.—Rose, Tain, general agent, Feb. 20—A. and T. Pater- son, Hutcheson Town, Glasgow, builders, Feb. 22.