11 FEBRUARY 1860, Page 12



The English Market has shown great depression since the opening on Monday, and Consols from 941 941 for the account just arranged were pressed down to 944 941. Various causes have been at work to bring about the present heaviness ; in the first place, money has continued in brisk demand, and withdrawals from the Bank, although not so excessive as last week, have been sufficiently large as again to lead to the expectation of an increase in the rate of discount to 5 per cent ; this, however, has not been resolved upon at present, and, consequently, prices have somewhat recovered the late heaviness. Politics, home and foreign, have of course had con- siderable influence, the Savoy question chiefly creating the uneasiness, and the speech of Lord Shaftesbury in the House of Lords tending materially to increase that feeling. The postponement of the Budget, likewise, had an adverse tendency, and rumours the most wild were quickly circulated and acted upon, the principal one being a split in the Cabinet. There is now a more settled state of feeling apparent, and the Budget is awaited with anxiety but with more confidence. Consols are now 941 941 for March, closing with a firm market ; Bank Stock, 229 231 ; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 941941; Indian Five per Cent Enforced Paper, 97 971; Consols for Money, 94a 941. Foreign Stocks and Securities have been especially dull and inanimate this week, the only business worth recording being in Mexican and Turkish, the quotations for which, however, show little alteration. Peruvian Stocks have been dull at 931 94i for the Four-and-a-Half per Cents ; and 71 72 for the Three per Cents; linbanon, Peru, and the Dollar Bonds are each quoted, 81 82; Buenos Ayres, Six and Three Cents stationary, the former, 83 85 and the latter, 22 23 ; Venezuela, 26 27 ; Grenada Active, 15 16; Mexican, 201 21; Turkish Six per Cents, 78 781; Ditto New, 651 651; Brazilian Four- and-a-Half per Cents, 93 94 ; Russian Five per Cents, 110 112 ; Portuguese, 43 44 ; Spanish, 44 45 ; Sardinian, 84 85; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93; Chi- non Six per Cents, 103 105 ; Ditto Four-and-a-Half per Cent, 86 88. The Railway Share Market has been principally acted upon by the effect of the announcement of dividends ; quotations have in most cases advanced upon the dividends, for the most part being good. Great Westerns have advanced materially, 51 per cent being the dividend announced. South- Eastern and Dover, 854 851, good upon the expected benefit the line will derive from the commercial treaty with France. London and North- Western, 981 99/ ; London and South-Western, 951 951; Midland, 1091 1101 ; Lancashire, 991 100/ ; London and Brighton remains, 111 112; Man- chester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 371381; Great Northern, 1071 1081; Cale- donians, 94 941; Berwick, 95 951. French Shares have not fluctuated to any great extent, and prices are dull and heavy. Lombardo-Venetian, 11 lf prem. ; Paris and Lyons, 35 351 ; Northern of France, 351 361 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 241251. Indian Shares rather flat, business quiet. East Indian, 1001 101/ ; Great Indian Penin- sula, 98 981; Madras, 961971; Bombay and Baroda, 96 97.