The West India L30)(mittee.
Inner Tenipk, 31st 'away, 1860. Six—The West Indians did not require to be told by your correspondent B. that the sugar duties press heavily upon them ; nor have they failed to......
The Moon's Motion.
STE — Having waited some weeks to see if any one else, in the great cause of correctly diffusing scientific knowledge, would give a good solution of this question, I venture to......
Topics Of The Day.
THE PALMERSTON PLAN FOR ITALY. Loan PetarensTox's Government has assumed a position in re- gard to Italy alike consistent with the interests of Italy, of Eng- land, and of......
Insolvency Reform. ,
Cannon Street, February 1, 1860. Sea—The " Mercantile Evil," as you truly designate Insolvency, has been well examined in a learned notice in the Spectator of the 21st ult. You......