British Policy In China.
The course which the Government have determined to pursue in China, is described in the following despatches addressed by Lord John Russell to Mr. Bruce, and just presented,......
A deputation from Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester, Leeds, Hull, Bel- fast, and Gloucester, waited on Lord Palmerston, on the 3d, to present a memorial, asking exemption for......
Ethotto Null Vrortrifings Iii Varliumtut.
PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. Horn OF Loans. Monday, Feb. 6. Volunteers ; Lord de Grey's Answer to Lord Vivian. Tuesday, Feb. 7. St. George's-in-the-East ; Lord Derby's......
Itat (end.
THE QUEEN has walked, ridden, and driven out this week, as usual. On Monday, her Majesty and the Prince Consort were present at a juvenile party given by the Duchess of Kent.......