General Knowledge Questions
THE prize of one guinea, which the Editor offers each week for the best set of thirteen General Knowledge Questions, has been awarded this week to Mr. M. J. C. Meiklejohn for the following :— Questions on Sir Walter Scott's Noyels
[The title of the novel should be given in each case.]
1. In what novel does Sir Walter make a mistake in military practice and what is the mistake ?
2. Who sent a sham herald to whom ?
3. Who were Pepper and Mustard ?
4. Who was indignant at the use of bows and arrows in Scotland, and on what occasion ?
5. What were (a) a Blue-gown, (b) " the boot," (c) " swallows' nests " t
6. Who used a " plummet " and a " gorgeous jury of flies " to catch trout ?
7. Who said to whom (a) " It's no fish ye're buying—it's men's lives " ? (b) "1 mind the bigging o't " ? On what occasion was the last remark made ?
8. Whose favourite exclamation was " Prodigious " ? 9. Who flourished a gammon of bacon by way of shield in the face of whom ?
10. Who were Henbane Dwining, Trusty Tomkins, Brian de Bois Guilbert ?
11. What novel has " St. Valentine's Day " for its first title ? .12. Which of his novels did Sir Walter completely forget having Written ?
13. Which is (a) the longest and (b) the dullest of Scott's novels
Answers will be found on pare 202.