News Of The Week
S IR JOHN SIMON and his colleagues in the Parliamen- tary Commission reached Bombay on Friday and Delhi on Saturday last. They had a fairly SatiSfactory reception as the......
He Propoied That The Evidence To Be Given Or Already
accumulated on paper should be examined by a Joint Free Conference under his presidency. On this would be seven British- Commissioners- and seven Indian " repre- sentatives......
On Wednesday Both Houses Honoured Themselves By Their...
Lord Haig, to whom a public memorial will be raised. Mr. Baldwin's and Lord Haldane's speeches stood out as noble tributes to the Field Marshal's abilities, services and, above......
The Commission Itself Has Already Shown Its Under-...
-the prevalent misconceptions. Upon their arrival at Delhi Sir John addressed to the Viceroy a long- letter which the Secretary of State for India read in the House of Lords on......
On Tuesday The King Opened Parliament In State.
His Speech was short, for the Government have had (if we may borrow from Punch's amusing cartoon of last week) to throw overboard some important Jonahs. Of these we chiefly......
The Criticisms Of The Leaders Of The Opposition Were Mostly
directed to the omissions rather than to the commitments revettled. The Prime Minister summed up in the Commons with a speech of irresistible good temper. He also outlined his......
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