An Invitation To British Schoolboys
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sra,—Readers will doubtless be interested in an invitation which has come from an American school to British schoolboys. Tabor Academy,' at......
The Westminster Floods : Aftermath
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR] Snt,—A month ago London was horrified by stories of " The Great Flood." The Westminster disaster in particular roused excitement and sympathy,......
Prayer Book Revision
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—A distinction should be drawn between permanent Reservation of the Consecrated Elements, and Reservation after the open Communion for the......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Sm,—The arrival of Sir John Simon and his colleagues at Bombay will be followed by important developments in the Indian political situation, which are bound to be watched in......
The Humane Slaughter Of Animals For Food
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—I am instructed by my Committee to inform you that at their meeting held recently, the following resolution was proposed, seconded, and......